Worried your child is delayed in talking? Access Module 1 of my Late Talker’s Bootcamp.

DIY SLP@Home Courses

I am on a mission to make speech therapy accessible to ALL!

…because every child deserves to use their words effectively to tell their own stories
Whether you are on a waitlist, or wish to know how else to support your child, our DIY
SLP Courses are suitable for parents with children who are delayed in talking,
displaying Autism traits, suspected to have a stutter or preparing to join Grade Prep

(first formal year of school; age 5 years).

Many times, as you wait for services, there are easy things you could get started with
that could see your child start to make progress! Our courses are designed to support
you so that you don’t feel helpless to the situation.

We have various programs designed to support your child
realise their communication and learning goals.



Watch n' Learn:
Autism Traits

Watch n' Learn: Stuttering

Late-Talker's Bootcamp

Is your child aged between 18 months and 3 years and has not achieved the expected word count?

Would you like to learn techniques for how to ensure your child’s language skills keep expanding?

Late-Talker’s Bootcamp is a step-by-step program in which parents get to learn what to focus on during their engagement with their children so that their actions are constantly growing their children’s language skills.

The Late-Talker’s Bootcamp is literally your best companion to growing your child’s language. I shares simple tips that can help you move your child’s language from where it is to the next level, while also filling any existing gaps that may be holding them back.

School Readiness Program

The School Readiness Program outlines the areas to focus on in the last few months before your child joins school (at age 5 years) in order to strengthen the key areas that will set them up for a successful transition into school and a trajectory of positive outcomes socially, emotionally and academically.

Our program has been collaboratively developed by an experienced early years educator and a speech pathologist.

Watch n’ Learning: Autism Traits

Are you concerned that your child may be showing signs of Autism?

Watch n’ Learn: Autism Traits are short videos that help to demystify Autism. I share my most common observations of children who present with Autism or Autism traits, and highlight some specific things you can do to get your child to start developing typical social and language skills.

Watch n’ Learn: Stuttering

Do you wish to support your child in order for them to ‘manage’ their stutter/stammer?
Watch n’ Learn: Stuttering series are short videos that get you quick wins, and leave you feeling, “I know what to do here!” . I guide you on how to evaluate if what you’re observing is indeed a stutter, and share some quick tips for how to support your child to be ‘smooth’. You get to learn industry best practices, which can significantly improve your child’s outcomes.


I trusted Lorna from the get go! Her experience in speech therapy is what any parent would look for, for the early years of learning… I got a chance to appreciate the work that goes into creating learning content for early learners. It didn’t seem easy to put together, but it was done in such a way that made the child enjoy learning.

Mama Skye

We first met Lorna when she was referred to us as a speech therapist for our son. After we saw how quickly our son’s speech improved (and how Lorna integrated academic concepts into the therapy), we realized Lorna has a gift for working with children. Lorna is someone you follow. Lorna…has our highest possible recommendation.

Mama & Baba Gabriel, and Samuel

Our very first meeting with Lorna gave me a great deal of confidence that i was finally at the right place. By the end of that first meeting i got to know for the first time the specific challenge areas that we needed to concentrate on so as to help my daughter along with her speech and i was also equipped with practical skills to further aid her progress. Six months down the line, my daughter can express herself much more clearly and this has given her confidence to make friends at school!


I know Lorna since that time for my son and do not hesitate to discuss with her any issue pertaining to her field. She gives all her time to listen and advices appropriately. I feel proud to recommend her to any of my colleague, friend or my patients, as I have experienced her services myself. Speech therapy services are quite few in the country and not really affordable for some. Lorna is working hard to provide an affordable, uninterrupted service that the country is really in need of. We really need to support her in this great initiative.

Dr Rohini Patil MBBS, MD (Paed)