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From Late Talker
to Lively Conversations:
7-Day Challenge
to Break Your
Late Talker's Silence!
Wang'endo Wa Kiamba

So glad | followed your advise. The materials were soooo00 useful. My then "late talker" is now confident, eloquent and thriving at school. Even ! with her laid back personality, her speech has T greatly improved and she doing amazing. Big up to my dear Sis and Paediatrician Njeri Karianjahi Mwakavi who told me about you.

Kirih Makena

Evoking Communication in non verbal children,you can use apart from Modelling,one can also use Shaping method using physical stimulis and make sure you use REINFORCEMENTS after every succesful step!! & Good job speech therapy Totos

Rose De Guzman

thank you for sharing the informative information. | have a kid who's still on going speech therapy and maybe he can stop in a few months. Asking question is the only one that he cannot do.. thank you


I get this question alot from parents 😂 Thanks for the brilliant explanation Dr.Lorna ❤️

SueAbby Lumosi

New subscriber... so grateful for your content. Please keep them coming. God bless you, we are learning a

Tabhita Mihari

Informative! Thanks

Does your child find it hard to articulate their thoughts and feelings, leaving you to play the guessing game? Do you yearn for the day when they’ll narrate their day and respond when asked how they feel?

You watch as other toddlers babble away, forming words, even stringing together sentences while your heart aches a tad wishing for your precious one to do the same.  It’s not about comparison, but the longing to be part of their verbal explorations, to hear the whirlwind of thoughts spinning in that bright little mind!

It wears on you, decoding the silence, figuring out what’s been troubling your child, or what they desire. The aftermath? Persistent tantrums or self-harm when needs go misunderstood, leaving you utterly drained.