STTOTS: The First Online Speech Therapy School in Africa

STTOTS stands for Speech Therapy Totos Online Training School (STTOTS). STTOTS is a platform I created, which houses a growing collection of training courses covering some of the speech therapy topics mostly related to paediatric speech therapy practice. Ever since I began my practice in Kenya, I have wanted to pass on my knowledge

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How to Encourage Your Child to Chew Solid Food

I encounter many children in Nairobi who are not able to chew solid food or have difficulty chewing solid food. These 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds are not chewing and they eat very limited foods. They are very difficult to take on long trips with especially if you have not prepared any

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5 Ways in which a Pacifier is Damaging to Your Child’s Development

Non-nutritive suckling is a natural instinct with infants. Non-nutritive suckling is suckling done for comfort and not necessarily to feed. During non-nutritive suckling, infants can either suckle on their mother’s breasts, on their tongues, fingers, thumbs or on a pacifier. There are many documented benefits of non-nutritive suckling using a pacifier. They

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What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Episode 5:What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Children struggle to sit still, control their impulses and actions and to remain attentive because of their curious nature. Concerns arise when these behaviours impedes their everyday activities. Children who experience difficulties in maintaining focus, attention and control and who exhibit impulsive

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How to Increase Your Child’s Attention Skills

Episode 19: My Opinion about the 3 Ways You Can Increase Your Child’s Attention Skills There are many children that I encounter at my Speech therapy private practice that I describe as highly distractible. They are difficult to engage, even in a speech therapy session. One minute they are going

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