Fast Track Your Child's
Speech Development
with our Unrivaled
10-Week LTB Accelerator Program
Lets Face the Facts

Traditional speech therapy can dig a deep hole in your pocket, but often, it doesn’t deliver the rapid results you’re dreaming of. The truth is, if you’re not adjusting your communication strategies at home, even therapy won’t accelerate your child’s speech development.
Is one or two sessions per week enough? Probably not!

And let’s not forget about those long waitlists!
They’re not just frustrating – they’re delaying the progress your child could be making.

Here's the Reality
Every day in my clinic, I witness late talkers evolve into expressive speakers. But I know I could amplify their progress if I could extend my support to parents. That's why I designed this program - to transcend the traditional boundaries of speech therapy.
“I have never encountered a child I couldn’t help communicate better.

is my mantra…

It may sound audacious, but with the right tweaks to your child’s home environment, I’ve seen kids outperform their peers in a matter of weeks!

What’s causing your child’s delayed speech? It might be your home environment, or it could be a lack of actionable guidance on nurturing your child’s communication skills. But don’t despair! Often, a few simple changes at home can unleash massive improvements!

For the first time…

I want to personally guide you through this transformation. Let’s maximize the impact of speech therapy – or even bypass that dreaded waitlist!

Stop the clock on your child’s delayed progress. Let’s catch up and outshine their peers! From the comfort of their home and without wasting any more precious time!

Join us now
Join as a Founding Member
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As a Founding Member of the 10-Week LTB Accelerator Program, you will enjoy the following perks:
  • Get the Founding Member’s 30% Discount ($1997 $1397). Please send an email to if you would like to purchase this through NDIS at 20 payments of $70 each (For Australian families only)
  • Gain immediate access to LTB 2.0 (valued at $197, soon to be $497)
  • Gain Access to a Collection of My Home Videos Demonstrating Some of the Tricks I Coach About
  • Join Other Parents in a Private Close-Knit Community, and Be Supported Through This Journey (and never feel alone)

These are the results you can achieve simply by implementing my Late Talker’s Bootcamp program by yourself, now imagine, if I also coached you?

I am CONFIDENT that I can get your child talking more by coaching you through the steps you ought to implement as well as the pitfalls to avoid.

I enjoy working one-on-one with clients, but I have long known that “true” progress is realised outside the clinic walls, and by coaching parents, many more children can go on to optimise their potential in life!


Any child can talk, but our actions may encourage or discourage them from talking

Is your interaction style encouraging or discouraging your child from talking?

Are the people around your child encouraging or discouraging your child from talking?

Is your child’s behaviour encouraging or discouraging them from talking?

  • “Why is my child only babbling and making random noises?”
  • “He knows the entire alphabet, animals, shapes, numbers, and even colors! Then why won’t he talk to me?”
  • “How do I deal with his constant tantrums and stop him from self-injuring?” (you know…hitting himself, throwing himself on the ground…)
But, once you fix these seemingly harmless (even loving) but “speech-delaying issues”....

You will watch your little one become that sweet, talkative child who always has something to say 🤭

And instead of guessing, you will know exactly what they need. (Goodbye tiresome tantrums!)

What are these actions that could be contributing to delayed talking? Before I delve into them, I would like to introduce myself to you!

My name is Lorna Muthamia-Ochido👋
I have over 17 years of experience as a speech pathologist! I was instrumental in creating awareness about speech therapy in Kenya (an underserved region) and I continue to run the largest private speech therapy clinic in Kenya.

I now run successful practices in 2 continents (Kenya and Australia) and see upwards of 1000 children each month.

My clinic has helped more than 40,000 children optimize their communication outcomes.

I am also a mother of 3 children who I homeschooled for the first 8 years. I did this to set a rock-solid foundation for them.

My most important job has been to empower parents like you. I do this by equipping you with skills to address your child’s language difficulties.

So, we can set your mini-me on a trajectory of lifelong success ❤

After over 17 years of providing speech therapy...

One of the biggest issues I saw kids who have delayed speech struggle with is:

Language Under-Stimulation

In other words…

No one talks to them in a way that encourages their language to grow.
Their home environment isn’t set up to tempt communication.
Perhaps, you’re missing out on harnessing communication opportunities for growth, as most children voice unmet needs.
Here’s how to figure out if your little one suffers from under-stimulation:
Do you notice these “language killers” disguised in your day-to-day routines?
Pre-empting your child's needs.

Offering them toys, snacks, etc on the clock even without them asking.

Lead-following while playing with your child.

Which ends up being them holding onto their favorite toy and ultimately, not allowing you to actually play with them.

Your child independently getting what they want.

And maybe you encourage this because you feel at least they get what they want.

It's simpler to offer the phone or TV to your child than struggle to interact.

Your child prefers to be left to their own devices, and that is the only way there is calm in the house.

Now, you might think that the solution to under-stimulation is:

1.Limit screen time
2.Force your child to interact with you and others around them.

But that is only half the battle to getting them to finally catch up with their peers.

Instead, You Must Interact With Your Child In A “Language-Stimulating” Way.

This means you need to know-

Unfortunately, parents tend to get stuck on:
But, once you learn how to interact with your child in a “speech-stimulating” manner?
You will quickly hear them say “mama” or “dada” Or, finally hear them respond when you call them 🤗 Yet, I know how stressful this can be!

Spending hours trying to figure out how to properly interact with your child and stimulate speech.

Especially, when you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to even begin. (Thanks Google!)

(This is the ‘after’ feeling my program is hoping to achieve for parents so figure out a way for your design to distinguish between the pain-points and the dream-state)

So, this is why I have decided to empower dedicated parents like you to take action from home ❤

By providing you with all my tried and tested “speech-stimulating” techniques..
I have used these time and time again in over 17 years of being a speech pathologist.
So, if you are a proactive mama (or dada!) who

Desires to speed up their child’s language development aka. hear their little one’s stories ASAP by hitting weekly goals.

Seeks to have expert guidance on hand for any instances where they, or their child, might be facing hurdles, ensuring a smooth, guided journey through challenges.

Wants to be supported by other parents helping their kiddos Then, this program is for you!
In this 10-Week program, you will put your little cutie to bed.

In this 10-Week program, you will put your little cutie to bed and...

Go Through The Entire Late-Talker’s Bootcamp With Me!

So you can hear your little one say cute, new sentences as quickly as possible 🥰

Attend 2-Weekly Group Online Sessions

In The First Session, I will;

  • Set the specific “Speech-Stimulating” goal for the week 🎯
  • Provide you with fun activities and engaging materials to achieve this goal effortlessly!

In The Second Session,
Ask me any questions that you are stuck on 🤔 My tailored solution so you can break through any “speech-delaying” plateau Learn through valuable solutions to other parents’ problems Be reassured that you are on the right path to help your child talk more 😌 These weekly sessions will also be recorded for your convenience!

Access a Facebook Community of Motivated Parents Like You!

Together we will:

Be accountable to each other and see consistent, weekly progress 📝
Support each other and celebrate every little win 🎉
Make sure you never feel lost in this journey ❤
Look at the bigger picture and be proud of our little ones 🏆

A speech delay DOESN’T need to be the end of the dreams you see for your child.

As loving and devoted parents…
It’s normal to beat ourselves up and question where WE fell short or did not do enough of. All parents experience these moments, and I can’t promise you’ll never experience them after you conquer this milestone for your child… I truly admire your will to do everything in your power to help your child thrive and excel ❤ And I promise that Late-Talker’s Bootcamp will be one of your favourite tools to accomplish this goal!

I can’t wait for you to scream with joy when you finally hear your baby’s first “real” words 🥰

To join the 10- Week LTB Accelerator Program and have me guide you step-by-step on this fulfilling journey, click below!

9 VIDEO TRAINING MODULES that will teach you..
  • How to maximise every teaching opportunity that presents itself during the day, even if, you don’t have too much time on your hands

  • How your actions may be holding back your child’s language skills and how to turn these around

  • The various language stimulatory techniques that will grow your child’s language effortlessly it almost feels like magic
Founding Members Price
  • Gain immediate access to LTB 2.0 (valued at $197, soon to be $497)
  • Gain Access to a Collection of My Home Videos Demonstrating Some of the Tricks I Coach About
  • Join Other Parents in a Private Close-Knit Community, and Be Supported Through This Journey (and never feel alone)
What our clients are saying about us

I am a developmental pediatrician practicing at Gertrude’s children’s hospital. In this capacity I have worked with Lorna and find her to be very professional and passionate about her work.She is very thorough when evaluating children and is comfortable interacting with other professionals in a multidisciplinary team. She has been a pleasure to work with.

Dr. Alliya Mohamed, MD FAAP.

We first met Lorna when she was referred to us as a speech therapist for our son. After we saw how quickly our son’s speech improved (and how Lorna integrated academic concepts into the therapy), we realized Lorna has a gift for working with children.Lorna is someone you follow. Lorna…has our highest possible recommendation.

Mama & Baba Gabriel, and Samuel

Our very first meeting with Lorna gave me a great deal of confidence that i was finally at the right place. By the end of that first meeting i got to know for the first time the specific challenge areas that we needed to concentrate on so as to help my daughter along with her speech and i was also equipped with practical skills to further aid her progress. Six months down the line, my daughter can express herself much more clearly and this has given her confidence to make friends at school!


I know Lorna since that time for my son and do not hesitate to discuss with her any issue pertaining to her field. She gives all her time to listen and advices appropriately.I feel proud to recommend her to any of my colleague, friend or my patients, as I have experienced her services myself. Speech therapy services are quite few in the country and not really affordable for some. Lorna is working hard to provide an affordable, uninterrupted service that the country is really in need of. We really need to support her in this great initiative.

Dr Rohini Patil MBBS, MD (Paed)


Frequently Asked Questions

How about forever! You can access the course from as soon as you enrol and all through any updates we make on the course. You will NOT be required to attend a physical class; all you need is a phone/ computer and internet access.

The course gives you the knowledge of how you ought to interact with your child in order to ensure each interaction maximises their ability to expand their language skills. It therefore can benefit other age groups, but I have focused on the 18 months – 5 year old range as great progress can be realised with this group. The course can also be ideal for children under 2 years, but you should mostly focus on some of the modules. Feel free to reach out should you have specific questions.

Yes, but this price point can only be guaranteed for now.

I would appreciate it if you only use the course to benefit your own child. Copyright ensures that professionals like myself don’t end up having our life’s work distributed in inappropriate channels. For people like myself to continue creating and solving problems, we rely on your sense of integrity. Thank you. If you know someone that would benefit from this course, feel free to share this link with them.

I think you may. Find out from your insurance company and I can email you a stamped copy of the receipt for you to use on your claim.

Absolutely. If you are not satisfied with the outcome after implementing the program, do ask for a refund within 30 days. The program will not work if you do not implement what I teach, so to demonstrate that you have put in the work when requesting a refund, include a write up of what hasn’t worked and I will gladly refund your money.

Please note that if you requested a stamped receipt for your insurance claim, you will NOT be able to claim a refund.

I want to truly dedicate myself to every single parent in this program.

This is why I have opened only limited spots for the inaugural batch of the 10-week speech-stimulating program.

So, If you are ready to hit these speech-stimulating goals with me, And watch your child light up the room with heartwarming stories… Then, I would love to know more about you and your mini-you 🤗

Copyright Speech Teraphy Totos. All Rights Reserved.